Sayers Croft

Sayers Croft was built in 1939 and was first used by a group of 200 evacuees who stayed here for the duration of World War Two. To learn more about the history of Sayers Croft, please download our photographic history Since then it has been used an outdoor education centre and provided fantastic outdoor experience for hundreds of thousands of children. Today classes visit and take part in a range of activities from adventure (caving, climbing)to exploration (orienteering, shelter building) history (celts, WWII) science and geography (pond dipping, river study) and teamwork (challenge course, team games).  It is owned by Westminster Council and schools visit for residential weeks from all over London and the South East. There is also the opportunity to undertake Duke of Edinburgh expeditions and gold residentials. If you would like to know more about any of the above, please visit their website, call 01483275541 or email 

Local Planning

We are concerned about a proposed development on our border that will impact our site and the countryside experiences of our visitors. To read our objections download this document

Sayers Croft

Visit their website

Let's Go